Tuesday, October 29, 2013


That was supposed to be a ghost sound. With today being Halloween eve's eve I figured I'd break off from the studying and create a talisman that would protect me from the coming evil. I mean, not really any of that, but I did finish the dye on my first Legacy disc!

As this is my first time dying Legacy Pinnacle plastic, I came into it thinking that it would dye similar to Champion from Innova. I couldn't have been more wrong. As it turns out this plastic takes dye a lot easier than Champion, almost better than Opto (almost). The amount of detail that can be seen in the form of brushstrokes was completely unintentional but signifies a promising future!

The entire disc is hand painted on the underside of the flight plate because the first run stamp on this disc is too awesome to remove. It's the normal Legacy first run stamp with a holographic ghost behind it, which is kind of visible in the picture of the front.


This one is in the bag, now onto the Trident!

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