Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy December!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I was lucky to spend it with family and friends in sunny Jacksonville, Florida. As the luck just kept on rolling we even found our way out to Ed Austin Memorial Park to play the Fore Palms Disc Golf Course. It was a beautiful day, a beautiful park and a fantastic course. Should anyone ever find there way out to Jacksonville, this is the course to play!

Alas, the week ended too quickly and I'm back home to my regular routine. Part of my winnings from Okthrowberfest (the disc dyeing contest on Disc Golf Course Review) was an unstamped Legacy Icon Ghost that my fingers had been just itching to dye. I've grown fond of doing dyes that match the discs title, and with the Black Friday brand new video game console craze I figured I'd pay respect to video game heritage and honor some of my all time favorite ghosts. Here's the result:

This coming week is my finals week and unless something big comes up in the world of local disc golf, I probably wont be posting for a little while. After December 9th, however, my schedule will open up for winter break.

Be sure to e-mail me ASAP if there's a custom dye you want to give/receive for Christmas so I can get it done before the big day! I will take all requests on a first come first serve basis and will be sure to communicate a timeline when the request is made!

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