Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dyes and Catchin' Up

So I've got some new dyes thrown up at the end of this post, first some local updates that are a bit over due:

I'd like to start with a huge congratulations to local thrower turned awesome tournament director Greg Haag. He was able to put together Huckin' For Hearts which entailed turning our Centennial Park into a full 18 holes, providing an awesome players pack to all players, 5 divisions (Pro, Advanced, Intermediate, Rec and Women's!) so that everyone had a comfortable place to play and awesome prizes for the winners of each division. All this and he raised a ton of money for charity! Once again, way to go Greg!

I had a great round and won the intermediate division by two strokes!

Myself, along with the team and Play it Again Sports Longmont will be hosting a learn to play day of disc golf coming up in late May or early June. Ryan, Jimmie and a few other top Colorado players will be out in the field teaching the secrets of the game! Stay tuned for more news *hopefully* next week!

Last thing before the dyes, I am still working on the events page! There are a lot of awesome tournaments at a lot of awesome courses in Colorado every month, check out the links page for Noco and Mile High Disc Golf's websites, don't miss out on the fun!

Two news dyes this time, both Latitude 64 for my bag, a Gold Fury and a Moonshine Havoc. I got in a rush on the Moonshine Havoc and didn't get my remask down all the way resulting in some unfortunate, but minor, blue lines in the red and yellow. Regardless, it came out great and that plastic takes dye fantastically and the colors show up nice and vibrant. I have one more of these to dye and you can bet that I'll be taking my time and really doing something special with that one!

As always, let me know if there's a custom dye you'd like to have in your bag!